【单选题】 Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(1) The data used to prepare financial accounts and management accounts are different.
(2) Cost accounting information is , in general, unsuitable for decision making.
选项:A. (1) is true and (2) is false
B. (1) is false and (2) is true
C. Both are true
D. Both are false
中公解析:编制financial accounts 和management accounts的数据来源是相同的,只是信息处理的侧重点不一样。成本会计信息(cost accounting information) 是基于历史数据得出来的,不包含未来的不确定性。但是decision making should incorporate uncertainty,所以Cost accounting information is unsuitable for decision making。
知识点:Management accounting & Financial accounting & Cost accounting (Chapter 1 Accounting for management)