[单选题]Which ONE of the following statements best describes the Statement of Profit or Loss?
选项:A. A record of income generated, and expenditure incurred over a given period
B. A list of all the assets owned and all the liabilities owed by a business
C. A record of the amount of cash generated and used by a company in a given period
D. A list of ledger balances shown in debit and credit columns
题干:1.9.[单选题]Which of the following statements are TRUE of partnerships?
1 No company tax on the business.
2 Partners aren`t jointly personally liable for all debts.
3 Financial statements for the partnership by law must be produced and made public.
4 A partnership is not a separate legal entity from the partners themselves.
选项:A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 4 only
D. 3 and 4 only
【中公解析】The Statement of Profit or Loss contains a record of income generated and expenditure incurred over a given period.
【知识点】The basic concepts of financial reporting