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2021年acca f2《SOURCES OF DATA》常考知识点

2020-12-08 14:23:01  

acca f2考试考什么呢?小编给大家整理了关于f2科目的常考知识点。快来看一看吧!

1. Types of data

Primary data---data collected especially for a specific purpose.

Secondary data---data have already been collected elsewhere,for some other purpose.

Discrete data(离散数据)---are data which can only taken on a finite or countable number of value within a given range.e.g 0,1,2,3,4

Continuous data---are data which can taken on any value.e.g 1.542, 1.639,1.492

2. Sampling methods

2.1 Probability sampling method(概率抽样法)

ü Random sampling

ü Stratified random sampling(分层随机抽样)

ü Systematic sampling(系统抽样)

ü Multistage sampling(多级抽样)

ü Cluster sampling(分组抽样)

Simple random sampling--is a sample selected in such a way that every item in the population has an equal chance of being included.

Characteristics of simple random sampling:

ü No bias ,every item has an equal chance of being included.

ü An unrepresentative sample may result.

Stratified random sampling--is a method of sampling which involves dividing the population into strata or categories. Random samples are then taken from each stratum or category.

Advantage disadvantage
The sample selected will be representative It requires prior knowledge of each item in the population
 Systematic sampling--a sampling method which works by selecting every nth item after a random start. the gap of n is known as the sampling interval(间隔)

advantages disadvantages
It is easy to use It is possible that a biased sample (偏置抽样)might be chosen if there is a regular pattern to the population which coincides with the sampling method
It is cheap Some items have a zero chance of being
Multistage sampling--is a probability sampling method which involves dividing the population into a number of sub-population and then selecting a small sample of these sub-population at random.

advantages disadvantages
Fewer investigators are needed Possibility of bias
It is not so costly to obtain a sample Not truly random

Cluster sampling--is a non-random sampling method that involves selecting one definable subsection of the population as the sample. that subsection taken to be representative of the population in question.

2.2 Non-probability sampling method--is a sampling method in which the chance of each member of the population appearing in the sample is not known.

Quota sampling(定额抽样)--investigators are told to interview all the people they meet up to a certain quota.

来源: 中公财经

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