Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Why is CFA Institute postponing the June 2020 CFA Exams?
A: Based on the continuing escalation of COVID-19, and with concern and care for our global community, CFA Institute has decided to postpone the June 2020 CFA Exam globally.
Q: How will you inform candidates of their options regarding this postponement?
A: We are informing them of the postponement by email on March 19, and we will tell them in that email that we will be back in touch with them by May 8 regarding options for transferring registration to one of two upcoming exam dates. We are working with our partners around the globe to define when those next two administrations can occur for each level; however, we anticipate offering every level in December 2020. As soon as dates are confirmed, we will reach out with more information so that candidates can select a preferred date.
Q: When do you expect you will know new exam dates?
A: We expect to communicate available exam dates by email no later than 8 May 2020.
Q: What will be the earliest possible date for the exams?
A: December 2020.
Q: Will December be the only time for testing the deferred administrations?
A: December 2020 will be the first available administration date for all three levels of the CFA Exam. Postponed candidates will have the option of at least one additional date to defer to in 2021. We will provide more information on this topic when we communicate testing options to June 2020 candidates no later than 8 May.
Q: Will the current curriculum be tested at all deferred administrations?
A: The current curriculum will apply to all exams administered in 2020 and 2021 cycles.
Q: Can I request a refund for my June 2020 registration?
A: CFA Institute is providing registered candidates a deferral to a future exam date. Because all candidates will be rescheduled, refunds are not being offered.
Q: Why is it taking CFA Institute so long to reschedule the exam?
A: CFA Institute offers test centers in 193 cities in 95 different countries. As of 12 March 2020, at the close of registration, we had more than 245,000 global candidates registered to take the exam in June 2020. Securing exam administration sites, ensuring continued access to study materials, and organizing grading for new dates requires intentional and careful planning. Although we do not have a precise date, we anticipate that candidates will have an opportunity to take the exam before the end of the year, and we appreciate everyone’s patience in the meantime.
Q: Will all test centers be available for the December 2020 exam? (Added 27 March 2020)
A: We intend to test in all the locations we would normally offer for June administrations. See the list of test center locations here.
Q: Will the early registration deadline for June 2021 be available to candidates choosing to sit in December? (Added 27 March 2020)
A: There are many elements regarding future operations which are currently under consideration, including registration deadlines to accommodate the new realities.
Q: I paid the late registration fee for June. Can I receive a refund of the difference between the late registration fee and early registration fee? (Added 27 March 2020)
A: CFA Institute is providing registered candidates a deferral to a future exam date. Because all candidates will be rescheduled, refunds are not being offered.
Q: I’m a Level II candidate and did not register for the June 2020 exam. Will you allow new LII/LIII registrations for December now that its postponed? (Added 27 March 2020)
A: No, due to test center capacity constraints for LII and LIII candidates, only those who were postponed from June 2020 will be allowed to take the exam in December. We will accept no new registrations for LII and LIII December 2020.
Q: Will the curriculum change for exams in 2021? (Added 6 April 2020)
A: Due to the postponement of the June 2020 exam and the ongoing upheaval caused by COVID-19 concerns, CFA Institute has made the decision to extend the use of the current 2020 curriculum through the 2021 exam period. This means that candidates of every level who take the exam in December 2020, or in any of the exam dates offered in 2021, will be tested using the current 2020 curriculum.
Q: Why did you decide to keep the curriculum the same? (Added 6 April 2020)
A: We put our candidates’ interest first and decided to minimize the impact of the postponement of the June 2020 exams by freezing the curriculum for two exam cycles.
Although the 2021 curriculum topics have continued to evolve, we felt that to transition candidates who have been postponed and ensure they accurately understand changes to the curriculum places an unfair burden on them at this time.
Registered candidates already invested a great deal of time in their studies, and we do not want to disrupt their learning or add further confusion to the re-scheduling of exam dates.
Q: When will a new version of the curriculum be released? (Added 6 April 2020)
A: The 2022 Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) and 2022 curriculum will be released when we open registration for the 2022 exam. For Level I, the curriculum and CBOK should be released in May 2021 when the first 2022 exam window is expected to open. The Level II and III curricula will be released when we open registration for the June 2022 exams.
Q: Will the curriculum-related Refresher Readings for members remain the same? (Added 6 April 2020)
A: The curriculum continues to evolve to ensure it remains relevant. We decided not to release the 2021 curriculum to help 2020 candidates affected by COVID-19. However, we will provide 2021 curriculum readings to our members in the traditional form of Refresher Readings.
Q: How will candidates be able to make the transition from the 2020 curriculum to the 2022 curriculum if there is never a 2021 version? (Added 6 April 2020)
A: We will help bridge the gap between the readings from the 2020 curriculum to those intended for 2022.
Q: Will there be any changes on the Learning Ecosystem? (Added 6 April 2020)
A: Testable content will not change. However, during this interim period, CFA Institute will continue to evolve the learning experience, adding functionality to help candidates study more effectively. We will also be adding the 2020 Level III curriculum into the Learning Ecosystem in time for the opening of registration for the June 2021 Level III exam. Level III candidates registered for June 2020 will continue to have access to the VitalSource e-book only.
Q: How can I make sure I don’t miss a communication?
A: We will communicate with everyone through a variety of channels including email, social media, our website, and candidate resources portal. We encourage you to verify your email address on record by logging in to your CFA Candidate account and to follow our CFA Program social channels on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WeChat and Weibo. We will also communicate directly with all Approved Prep Providers and local CFA Societies around the globe as details are available.