Pension plan就是当employee工作时Company 投入资产于pension trustee,当employee退休时pension trustee将资金发放给退休员工。
Defined contribution plan: Company每年对 pension plan 的给付金额是固定的,但是该 pension plan 支付给退休员工的 benefit 是不固定的。
Defined benefit plan: pension plan 支付给退休员工的 benefit 是固定的,但是决定 benefit 金额的那些变量的风险则是由company完全承担。
Plan asset: 是指属于pension plan的asset。Plan asset是从company交付给pension trustee,并由pension trustee进行打理。实际支付给pension plan受益员工的benefits payment会从该plan asset中 提取。
Plan benefit obligation: company将资产投入到pension trustee之后,该pension trustee针对那些纳入pension plan 的员工有 支付pension的义务— 对于该义务的精算估计(the actuarial present value of the obligation) 出的现值。
Current service cost:The present value of all pension benefits earned by company employees in the current year. It is provided by the actuary. 是由当期该雇员的服务产生的。牵涉到 present value 的原因是因为 benefits 是在 雇员退休之后才付出去的,所以在当期确认需要考虑时间成本。Service cost由当期的service产生,需当期确认。
PBO ↑ Expense ↑
Interest cost:The increase in the projected benefit obligation (PBO) due to the passage of time. 指的是interest on PBO. 该利息是PBO随着时间的推移而产生的时间成本。
PBO ↑ Expense ↑
Prior service cost:Pension plan启动或者更新之前,员工已完成的服务也需要在未来获得相应的benefit,这部分过去的服务对应的公司付出的福利(同样也是一个现值)。赋予已完成的服务更多的福利。
PBO ↑ OCI ↑ (Expense later)
Actuarial gain or losses:Adjustments to the projected benefit obligation that arise when the actuary changes one or more of the assumptions used to calculate the PBO.
精算变动产生的gain or losses.
Gain: PBO ↓ OCI ↓ (Expense later)
Loss: PBO ↑ OCI ↑ (Expense later)