解析:The communication here is both upwards and 'sideways'.这类题考试中比较常见,看题时重点关注涉及到的人的职位和头衔,同部门上下级就是vertical,不同部门同级别是horizontal,不同部门不同级别则为diagonal
知识点:Communicating in business
解析:The wheel has a central figure who acts as a hub for all messages between members. The circle involves a message going from one person to another. The ‘Y’ involves a message going from person to person up a chain, until it reaches someone who is in contact with more than one person. And all-channel involves everyone sending messages to everyone else. 这类题做题时按照题目表述,画出对应图形即可判断出来。
知识点:Communicating in business