中公财经 中公财经



2019-08-02 14:58:26  

小伙伴们,acca考试题库来啦!很多想要报考acca考试的考生,不知道该如何准备全英文考试,中公财经小编为大家收集的acca SBL科目第三章练习题及模拟题,帮助大家更好学习acca,早日拿下acca证书

You are Hoi Lui, a management consultant leading a small team which has been commissioned to prepare a consultancy report for the Data Communications Services (DCS) Company directors to help them plan for the next three years.

DCS Company has two product areas. The largest area is the manufacture of data communications components which it mainly sells to original equipment manufacturers (OEM). The other smaller and less developed area is based on supply and support contracts for specialist IT management network systems, mainly to domestic medium-sized enterprises.

You are a qualified accountant and your colleagues are Danny Leman, a company researcher, and Freddie Lithium who is a part-qualified finance professional. You and your team have collected and analysed the following information about DCS Company to help you prepare the consultancy report.

– Exhibit 1: A report on DCS Company’s organisational overview, the external environment and the business model

sourced and prepared by Danny Leman, your colleague

– Exhibit 2: A transcript from interview which was held between you and Java Peraya, the CEO of DCS Company.

– Exhibit 3: Summary of financial and business performance of DCS Company extracted from the Integrated Report

(2012–2015) presented to you by the finance director of DCS Company

– Exhibit 4: The October board report, a recent board meeting notes which include strategic choices facing

DCS Company – presented to you by the marketing manager of DCS Company

– Exhibit 5: An evaluation of alternative future strategies being considered by the DCS Company board, prepared and

presented to you by your colleague, Freddie Lithium

– Exhibit 6: Minutes from the focus group meeting you held with middle management of DCS Company

Following your findings you are now starting to prepare the consultancy report and associated tasks for DCS Company.

The case requirements are included in the tasks shown below:

1 (a) From the information you have collated, draft a section of the consultancy report for the directors of

DCS Company to include the following:

(i) An analysis of the industry and market which DCS Company is competing in, using an appropriate model. (15 marks)

(ii) An evaluation of the overall performance of DCS Company between 2012 and 2015 from an integrated

reporting perspective. (12 marks)

Professional Skills marks are available for demonstrating evaluation skills relating to DCS Company’s

environment and performance. (4 marks)

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来源: 中公财经

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